Research Professors

Visiting Professor

Dr. David Han
Dr. David Han Drexel University website(Personal)

David Han David Han is the inaugural holder of the Bruce Eisenstein Endowed Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University. He is an ASME Fellow and an IEEE senior member. He has previously held positions as a research and faculty member at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Army Research Laboratory, and the University of Maryland at College Park, and has additionally served as Distinguished IWS Chair Professor at the US Naval Academy. He spent over 11 years as a program officer at the Office of Naval Research and served as its Deputy Director of Research, overseeing the Discovery and Invention portfolio of over $900 million from 2012 to 2014. He also served as Associate Director for Basic Research in Machine Intelligence and Robotics in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Research & Engineering from 2014 to 2016, helping to oversee an over $2 billion annual research portfolio. He has authored or coauthored over 100 peer-reviewed papers, including four book chapters.

Research Assistant Professor

Dr. David Han
Dr. Bon-hwa Ku
  • OfficeEngineering bldg. room 439
  • Phone+82-2-927-6115
  • Mailing AddressSchool of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, 5ka-1 Anam-dong, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, 136-713, KOREA

Dr. Ku received B.S. degree in Control Instrument Engineering from Kwangwoon University , Seoul, Korea, in 2000, M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, in 2002, and Ph.D degree in Vision Information Processing Engineering from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, in 2008. He is the specialist on topics of target detection and tracking systems. His current research interests are in signal processing, pattern recognition and target tracking using data fusion in surveillance system.

Previous Visiting Professor

Dr. Bernhard Rinner

Dr. Yongsheng Gao

Dr. Ghassan Kawas Kaleh

Dr. Wooil Kim

Dr. Jianyu Li

Dr. Achuthsankar S. Nair

Dr. Jaewook Lee

Dr. Sungjoo Ahn

Dr. Bailing Zhang

Dr. T.N.Nagabhushan

Dr. Robert H. Baran

Dr. Tae-Yoon Kim

Dr. Junho Park

Dr. Colin Fyfe

Dr. Joseph Kolibal

Dr. Khoa le

Dr. David Han

Dr. Jounghoon Beh

Dr. Ki-Hyeon Kim

Dr. Yoon-Jae Lee

Dr. Bae-Young Park

Dr. Suwon Son

Dr. Cheol-Jong Yang

Dr. Du-Bok Park

Dr. Sang-Wook Park

Dr. Sung-Kyu Moon

Dr. Cheol-Jin Cho

Dr. Hyun-Hak Shin

Dr. Yifan Jiang